
  1. Fields
  2. Radio Formats
  3. Market sizes
  4. Limitations of use


Name Type Length Decimals Description
COMPANY Character 23 0 Station’ call letters
ADDRESS Character 40 0 Street address or PO Box
CITY Character 21 0
STATE Character 2 0
ZIP Character 10 0 Includes PLUS 4 code
FORMAT Character 50 0 Station’s format i.e. Country, News/Talk, etc. Full list is below. Multiple formats are listed alphabetically.
NOTES Character 80 0 Includes info on duplicates. Further details below
SIZE Numeric 6 1 Nielsen Audio MSA markets used for the first 260-290, depending on how many markets they survey. Further details below
MARKET Character 42 0 The actual name of the market, i.e. Chicago IL
POWER Numeric 8 0 Power output
FREQ Character 17 0 Frequency
PHONE Character 25 0
SATELLITE Character 17 0 Full-time satellite or automated.
NUMBER Numeric 5 0 Never-changing serial number used as a key field
DPBC Character 2 0 Delivery Point for bar-coding
EMAIL Character 50 0 A general e-mail address
GM Character 25 0 General Manager’s name
EMAILGM Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the General Manager
PD Character 25 0 Program Director’s name
EMAILPD Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the Program Director
SM Character 25 0 Sales Manager’s name
EMAILSM Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the Sales Manager
CE Character 25 0 Chief Engineer’s name
EMAILCE Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the Chief Engineer*
ND Character 25 0 News Director’s name
EMAILND Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the News Director
MD Character 25 0 The name of the Music Director
EMAILMD Character 50 0 The E-mail address of the Music Director
OWNER Character 42 0 The company that owns or controls the station. Includes pending owners.
WEBSITE Character 50 0
COUNTY Character 42 0 The county the station’s address is in
LONGITUDE Numeric 7 2 Degrees/Minutes for the mailing address
LATITUDE Numeric 6 2 Degrees/Minutes for the mailing address
DISTRICT Character 2 0 Congressional District
TIME Numeric 2 0 Time Zone in hours behind Greenwich time
OPS Character 25 0 Operations Director’s name
EMAILOPS Character 50 0 The Email address of the Operations Director
PRD Character 25 0 Production Director’s name
EMAILPRD Character 50 0 The Email address of the Production Director
PRM Character 25 0 The name of the Promotion Director
EMAILPRM Character 50 0 The Email address of the Promotion Director

* If the station is using a contract engineer and has no engineer onsite, the field will be blank.


We do the best job we can on the budget we have, but we cannot warrant the accuracy of these names or email addresses. We still suggest you title-address all of your postal mailings. We have sold to over 8,000 radio stations using title-addressing, so we know it works. Because the postal service allows individuals to file personal change-of-address forms, THE USE OF PERSONNEL NAMES IN A MAILING WILL VOID OUR GUARANTEE OF 99% DELIVERABILITY.

Format codes

ACm Adult contemporary stations
AC (DANCE) Rhythmic Adult Contemporary
AC (HOT) Adult contemporary with up tempo music
AC (NR) Modern AC
AC (SOFT) Adult contemporary stations with “Lite” formats
AC/B/U Urban Adult Contemporary and R&B
AH Adult Hits (Jacktype format)
AMERICANA A mix of folk, bluegrass and some classic country.
AOR Album,oriented rock and Active Rock
AOR (AA) Adult Album Alternative…aka Triple A
AOR (AP) Alternative Rock
AOR (CR) Classic rock
AOR (CMR) Classic Modern rock
AOR (NR) New rock or Modern rock
AOR (REL) Christian Rock
B/EZ Beautiful music/Easy listening
B/U Black/Urban Hip Hop and Rap
CHR Contemporary Hit Radio, formerly known as Top 40
CHR (DANCE) Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio
CHR (GOLD) Classic Hits
CHR (REL) Christian Top 40
CLAS Classical
CTRY Country
CTRY (CLSC) Classic Country
CTRY (HOT) New (Top 40) Country
CTRY (REL) Christian Country
ETH Ethnic other than Spanish
GOLD Oldies
GOSPEL Gospel Music
MISC Variety and Block formatting. Usually three or more formats every day.
MOR Middle of the road. AKA full service
NOST Adult Standards/Big Band/Nostalgia
N/T News/Talk
N/T (SPORTS) All Sports Programming
N/T/SPORTS News/Talk and some Sports
PRE TEEN Programming for children, and hopefully some of their parents.
R&B Rhythm and Blues
REL Christian Preaching, Teaching and Inspirational Programming
REL (CC) Contemporary Christian Music
SPAN Spanish

Format definition is not an exact science. Also, be aware that many program director’s perceptions of their own format is open to debate. When searching for formats, your filter should be based on CONTAINS instead of EQUALS. If you searched for all records where format equals “N/T” you would miss all the combinations of News/Talk. When a station has multiple formats, they will be listed in alphabetical order.

Market Size

For the first 260-290 markets, Nielsen Audio rankings are used. If a radio station located in one city shows up in the rating book of a larger city, its market size is listed with the larger city. If a market size ends with “.1”, this means the market size is tied with another market. Many market sizes are listed as “555.” This means the market isn’t rated. Nielsen Audio market sizes DO CHANGE. If you’ve saved a search or filter using specific size numbers, be sure to confirm that you’re getting the same markets when you re-use the filter.

A full list of markets can be found here.

Limitations Of Use

This list is (C) Copyright 2023, The Radio Mall. Your company and its legal subsidiaries may have unlimited in-house use of this list. It is not copy-protected and you may duplicate it for your company’s own use. It is licensed to promote one single, company, artist, author, VO person, etc. Please call us if you need a multiple use license. You may not sell, rent, loan, or otherwise furnish it to other entities. The data cannot be posted to a website or FTP site. It may not be used to promote other companies in any way. In the event of personnel changes, the rights to use this list will be restricted to the individual or company that originally made payment for the list, unless a company provides proof that they reimbursed a former employee for the list. The data may not be reproduced in whole or in part. This data is “seeded” with the addresses of Radio Mall agents to ensure that the list is not being illegally reproduced. You must remove all duplicate e-mail addresses before sending e-mail and use blind carboning (BCC) when you send e-mail. If you’re not sure what this means, contact us!

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